
Showing posts from March, 2009

Health & safety CAN be interesting!

Carlsberg Leeds had another health & safety training day, and the main preseneter, Ken, had some interesting stories to tell, mainly about how lapses in attention can be costly. He lost his sight working on a production line and wasn't wearing his safety glasses. He also told a story how a paper cut can REALLY hurt; this particular one was across a typist's eye! Danger even in the office!

Sir Ran again

I've photographed Sir Ranaulph Fiennes quite a few times now; this time he was guest speaker at the West Yorkshire Institute of Chartered Accountants annual dinner, and promoting his latest book.

Look North presenters

Christa Ackroyd and Ian White of Look North at the Prince of Wales Hospice ladies' lunch at the Kings Croft hotel, Pontefract

Is photography a "dead-end" job?

On Thursday the sun came out! Was photographing a new hearse & 3 funeral cars at Temple Newsam house; it rained, then sun, then rain, then sun. Managed to get a few sunny shots in the end.

Head & shoulders

There's a phrase in corporate photography that always worries me when I get asked to do one; "head & shoulders". Does it mean I have to take pix of people shampooing their hair?!!

Wedding photo

Last night, at stupid o'clock, I found I had a teensy bit of spare time, so I did some work on one of last year's wedding photographs. I'd appreciate some comments as to whether you like it or not (constructive, please!).

The other side of China

Please watch last night's BBC2 programme on how China treats Tibetans in the border region; I was appalled.

Do summut funny for money

It's that Comic Relief time again! Was photographing loads of noses in the Victoria Quarter fountain this morning. Time for everyone to give;

Naughty goings on in Harrogate!

And there's me thinking Harrogate was genteel! Tonight was covering a burlesque dinner at the West Park hotel. Definitely a different evening out for the audience; a dinner with a burlesque turn between each course. The pix are of Anna Fur Laxis ( ) and the event was organised by Leeds Burlesque ( )

Jimjams & dressing gowns

Nice job yesterday photographing for a longstanding client's new website & brochure. Pyjamas & bathrobes in a great house as a backdrop. Nice client & model, and a good lunch to boot! Hot beef & onion sandwich washed down by a pint of Taylor's Landlord at the Bingley Arms in Bardsey; highly recommended! Still some good jobs around!

Another sad day

Today the ITV suits from down south announced they're closing Yorkshire Television with hundreds more people thrown on the scrap heap. Yet have we ever heard of these suits making THEMSELVES redundant? Or taking a pay cut to help their colleagues? No! We just hear of their extravagant pay-offs for doing a bad job. The bean counters win yet again.