
What on earth is happening to this world? Have we all forgotten what's important?!
I watch the news with incredulity; miilions of people are going through intolerable hardship and suffering in Burma as their government sits idly by. But what concerns me more is the pitiful amounts of money we spend on sending aid. The British government will spend £50bn to shore up a bank that is incompetant, but only spend 1% of that amount to try allieviate suffering and hardship.
What's gone wrong with our priorities?
Yes, it's a tough world out there, yes we have to protect our economy as best we can, yes, globalisation makes us have to make tough choices, but for Heaven's sake, where's our humanity gone? Is money the only thing left for us to care about? I got news for us all; money ain't important! Think about how we can help each other before it's too late. Even if it's just something small; it doesn't even have to involve money. Contact someone who you've not spoken to in a while just to ask if they're OK.


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