
Showing posts from May, 2008


Couple of jobs today, one of which seems to get womenfolk excited, involving me photographing some firemen. I wonder why?! :-) Here they are, just to keep the womenfolk (and the odd bloke I know!) happy:

Graduate fashion week is coming!


When all around is doing your head in, dance! Went dancing last night for the first time in a couple of weeks (been going since Jan; thank you so much to the lovely person who introduced me to it) just to make my body realise it does possess a couple of endorphins. Such a good way to bring a smile back to your face! And my 3 favourite dancers were there too (you know who you are; you bring out the best in those of us with 2 left feet!). That begs the question, if you can use both hands with equal dexterity you're called ambidextrous, so what are you called if you can use each foot? I've always been able to; what's that make me ?(and no rude answers if anyone reads this!!). For those who've never tried dancing, DO IT! I do Ceroc ( ). A good buzz, good exercise, nice people, and you end up being in awe of the good dancers.


What on earth is happening to this world? Have we all forgotten what's important?! I watch the news with incredulity; miilions of people are going through intolerable hardship and suffering in Burma as their government sits idly by. But what concerns me more is the pitiful amounts of money we spend on sending aid. The British government will spend £50bn to shore up a bank that is incompetant, but only spend 1% of that amount to try allieviate suffering and hardship. What's gone wrong with our priorities? Yes, it's a tough world out there, yes we have to protect our economy as best we can, yes, globalisation makes us have to make tough choices, but for Heaven's sake, where's our humanity gone? Is money the only thing left for us to care about? I got news for us all; money ain't important! Think about how we can help each other before it's too late. Even if it's just something small; it doesn't even have to involve money. Contact someone who you've...

Boy was it hot!

Wedding fair today at Parkside hotel, Pontefract. Large, airless room with 20+ exhibitors in it and boy oh boy, were we hot?! Mind you, glad I wasn't in the conservatory where they had the fashion show; poor old trio that were in there were flaking! As with most wedding fairs these days, far too many photographers there for the limited number of potential clients.

First time

Well, thought I'd give this blogging stuff a go, seeing as everyone seems to be doing it. Not sure if anyone will read it but here goes anyway.